Spring Hoops Registration
Spting Hoops Registration
Click on the Credit Cards above to Register Online
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Play The Hottest Game In Town.
Games are played on Weeknights at the Timberlane Middle school gyms.
Winter Hoops is open to anyone who wants to play basketball
Boys and Girls Grades 3rd to 12th
Division 1, 3rd to 5th grade boys
Division 2, 6th to 8th grade boys
Division 1, 3rd and 4th grade girls
Division 2, 5th and 6th grade girls
Division 3 7th and 8th grade girls
Division 3, 9th to 12th grade boys and girls
All games played on regulation size courts and baskets.
Professionally officiated games.
9 players maximum to a team for optimal playing time.
website that has all the scheduled games, box scores, league scoring
Online registration and New in 2024 the HBA Demosphere App which give you a great online experience.
For more info on Winter Hoops, please contact us at ask@hopewellbasketball.com or call 609-540-0419 Or to register online go to www.hopewellbasketball.com.
Player MUST Attend at least 1 assessment out of the 2 nights to be placed on a team. Players who do not come to the assessments will be assessed at the 1st and 2nd game at 1/2 time and then will be placed on a team.
There is NO Guarantee that you will be placed on a team before first game if you don't go to the assessments.
HBA does not honor Car Pooling
Hopewell Basketball Association Winter Hoops Registration Form
Please Print Below
Phone # ____________________
Emergency phone or Cell #_________________
Email Address_________________________________________________
Age _________Grade _______Shirt Size _____Gender ___________
School _______________________________Height _____________
Parent/Guardian Name_________________________________________________
Please check box
Carpooling; HBA Will NOT Honor Any Carpooling Requests
□ I Would like to Donate to the HBA Capital Improvements Campaign $___________
□ I would like to be head coach of a team □ I would like to be a assistant coach.
□ I would like to volunteer to run the clock. □ I would like to volunteer to do the book
Late fee of $25 can be applied after March 1st, 2025. All Refunds will be minus $40 for administrative fees. No refunds will be given back after march 1st , 2025; a doctor’s note is required
I, the adult applicant, ______________________________________________
Date_________________hereby give approval for the applicant’s participation in and any Hopewell Basketball program;I will not hold the organization and sponsors, their employees and associated personal, including owner of fields and facilities utilized for the programs against any claim by or on behalf of the registrant as a result of the registrant ‘s participating in the program and/or being transported to or from the same, which transportation. I give permission to the Hopewell Basketball Association to use photographs of myself and /or my child for historical archives, educational, and promotional purposes. These materials may be used for immediate of future use. I understand that there is no remuneration and that the pictures will not be used for commercial purpose.
To register and save some money go to www.hopewellbasketball.com and register online, or submit completed registration form with payment and sent it to Hopewell Basketball PO Box 613 Pennington NJ 08534.